
Start your journey into programming
Oct 01, 2024

Become a web developer through our intensive 9-month WDX course.



A tuition-free coding bootcamp ⛺︎ for refugees, migrants, people with physical disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

dots highlighting a picture of a laptop
a picture of a Macbook
dots highlighting the picture of a laptop

🤔 What is intechgration?

We're on a journey 🚀 to share our knowledge and passion for Computing, Software Engineering and Web Development with the world.

More specifically, we are committed to providing free and open source education to underprivileged individuals and marginalized groups, to people who lack access to essential resources and opportunities, to people that are faced with social and economical disadvantages.

We want to provide hope and essential skills to refugees, migrants, people with disabilities, people that have completed drug rehabilitation programs, former inmates, single parents and everyone who's facing the extreme hardships of life and looking for a change in their career.

If that sounds moving to you, there are plenty of ways you can support. You can start by filling out this form.

Graduation day of Class 1 (2023)

Photo from graduation day of Class 1 (2022-2023)

Graduation day of Class 3 1st semester (2024)

Photo from graduation day of Class 3 1st semester (2023-2024)


WDX 180°

WDX 180° is a 9-month intensive course designed to teach you software engineering and web development, all the way through, from the basics of computing and the World Wide Web to mastering Frontend technologies such as ReactJS and NextJS. Our goal is to provide highly marketable and industry-relevant skills for our graduates and ensure rapid career entry to high demand jobs, such as Frontend engineers and web developers.


Beyond the basics.

intechgration's 9-month-long program goes beyond just the introductions. We take a deep, project-based dive into every tool and the underlying CS concepts to make sure our curious students, no matter the background, truly become competent engineers.

Questions and answers

How do I enrol in the WDX 180° course?

You have to apply through our application form and we will contact you with more details shortly after you've submitted your application.

Will I be able to attend the course on-site?

The Core part of the program (2nd phase which happen to be the middle 3 months) will take place in-person in Kypseli. If you are a wheel-chair user, you will be attending the course remotely as unfortunately our space isn't accessible. However, we are on the lookout for an accessible space and we'll make an announcement once we find one.

Do I need prior coding experience to qualify?

Coding knowledge is not a prerequisite. However, it is considered a big plus. If you do have some experience, it will impact your acceptance decision and will give you a head start.

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